The following FAQs are specific to students that are admitted for Fall 2025 only.
Admitted students who have registered for Southbound Orientation will be added to an online course that should be completed before their scheduled orientation session. Students will be given access to the online course via Canvas/USAOnline 7-10 days before their session. Canvas/USAOnline is the university’s Learning Management System and is vital to student success at USA. Incoming students should check their JagMail (student email account) regularly, as they will need to accept the invitation to the online orientation course in order to participate.
Orientation will be offered in various formats to accommodate different student needs
and preferences. Please note that orientation offerings are on a first come, first
serve basis, so the sooner a student registers, the more options they will have. Freshman
students will have the option to select a 1-day or 2-day on-campus orientation session.
Transfer students will have the option to choose a one-day on-campus orientation session
or a 90-minute virtual orientation. Regardless of which option a student chooses,
they will still have access to the pre-orientation course and Week of Welcome in-person
opportunities. Click the tab below to learn more about each orientation format option.
Starting April 22, students who have signed up for orientation will be contacted by their academic advisor via JagMail to schedule an appointment to register for classes. Students will receive an invitation to join the Canvas AATS Advising course. This course must be completed before the advising appointment and all students must attend their appointment in order to register for the upcoming semester. For most students, this advising appointment will take place prior to the student's scheduled orientation, but depending on availability, it could also take place after.
Students that do not have ACT/SAT scores and are pursuing a STEM or business major will need to take the math placement exam before they meet with their advisor. Instructions on signing up for the math placement exam can be found here: http://s498.photographywaltz.com/colleges/artsandsci/mathstat/placementinfo.html
All students must report to their orientation session at their scheduled start time (see confirmation email) to check-in, as orientation attendance for the duration of the program is required.
Students who register for and attend an in-person orientation will meet their Orientation
Leaders at the USA Student Center on their scheduled orientation date, where they
will have the opportunity to:
- Connect with student organizations and current Jags
- Secure their Jag ID
- Visit the USA Bookstore to purchase textbooks and supplies
- Attend information sessions about campus safety, Title IX, academic success, financial services, and student life
- Connect with other new students
- Chat with faculty from the colleges and staff from departments to learn more about South and ask questions
- Enjoy lunch at the Student Center
- Participate in campus and community fairs
- Pick up their Jaguar Welcome Pack...and more.
One-day sessions will start at 9am and end around 4pm CST.
Freshman students may select a two-day on-campus session as available. These orientation sessions include an overnight stay in one of our newest freshman residence halls. Students will have the opportunity to choose a roommate (must be a student that is signed up for the same session) or pairs of students will be assigned to each room based on academic major and gender. Students must bring their own bed linens and remain on campus for the duration of the session, unless they are escorted by their parent or guardian.
Attendance for the duration of the program is required for students, but optional
for parents, so be sure to select a session that you can fully commit to. Parents
must be registered for Parent Orientation to attend. See the parent tab below for
additional details regarding Parent Orientation.
There will be a few virtual orientation options available for transfer and second bachelor's students who need them, as well as on an on campus option. Freshman students should register for the scheduled on-campus orientation sessions.
Regardless of the selected orientation session, students will still be required to complete the online course pre-orientation and meet with their academic advisor. All students must report to their orientation session at their scheduled start time (see confirmation email) to check-in, as orientation attendance for the duration of the program is required.
Students who attend a virtual orientation will meet with their Orientation Leader
via Zoom on their scheduled orientation day to learn more about South and ask questions.
Additionally, all students will have the option to attend our Southbound Open House
during the Week of Welcome when they arrive on campus for in-person guidance.
Yes. Incoming freshmen will have the opportunity to register their parents/guardians for the Parent Orientation program. The Parent Orientation program is intended for adult supporters and guardians of the incoming freshman students and will run concurrently with the student sessions. Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to attend orientation with other parents and guardians, while students attend orientation with other students.
Parent Orientation is not required, but it is encouraged! There will be food, panel discussions, giveaways, and much more. The orientation fee for parents (up to 2) is included in their student's orientation fee under a flat rate.
NOTE: Due to limited space, parents must be registered for orientation on their student's orientation registration form to attend orientation. There will be a formal check-in process for parents upon arrival and agendas will be provided.
Please check the For Parents tab for more information.
- Double-check registration and confirmation for their scheduled orientation session.
- Check both personal email and JagMail accounts for communications from the university regarding advising, orientation, and next steps for successful enrollment and transition to USA.
- Complete the Admitted Student Checklist, located in the Pre-Orientation course that students will have access to prior to their scheduled orientation session.
Orientation is a requirement for all new, undergraduate students and the orientation fee is a university fee that should be paid prior to orientation registration or the student must agree to pay upon billing. Formal requests for refunds must be emailed to southbound@photographywaltz.com by May 1, 2025, if the student paid the fee in full and no longer plans to enroll in Fall 2025. Regardless of admission or registration date, this fee is non-refundable following the May 1, 2025 deadline.
Visit photographywaltz.com/orientation and click the Engagement tab for a list of events and to view recordings from previous orientation seasons.
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